TM 1-1680-354-10
Speedhook, Snare. The speedhook, snare (See Figure
2-58) is used to snare fish and animals.
Bait the hook first. To set the speedhook, bring spring
arms together (1) until you can put latch hook (2) into
bottom of split ring (3). Latch hook. (See View A).
To set tension you must bend latch hook inward to
tighten, or outward to loosen (See Diagram B). Inward
would be used in rushing water or when speedhook trips
prematurely. Outward would be used for ice fishing or
catching very small fish (Outward requires less force to
trip). To replace line on latch, knot must be tied against
latch loop and must go through safety snap swivel (See
Diagram A).
Figure 2-58. Speedhook, Snare
Ice Saw-Knife. The ice saw-knife (See Figure 2-59) is a combination tool for use in extreme cold weather
survival conditions, when the water and ground has frozen solid. It is to be used to cut ice and small (2-4 inch
diameter) trees or brush to be used as shelters.
Figure 2-59. Ice Saw-Knife