TM 1-1680-354-10
Camouflage Stick. The camouflage stick (Figure 2-52) is used to camouflage exposed skin by breaking shiny
reflections of the skin and darkening skin tones. Follow instructions on the container.
Figure 2-52. Camouflage Stick
Parachute Cloth. Parachute cloth (See Figure 2-53) has many uses. It can be used as a head cover, for
carrying objects, as a tumpline, to protect food supplies, to provide shelter, and many other uses.
Figure 2-53. Parachute Cloth
Cover, Individual, Camouflage Net. This net (See Figure 2-54) comes in woodland, desert, and snow patterns.
Use it as a personal camouflage covering by matching the pattern to the surrounding environment in an escape
and evasion situation.
Figure 2-54. Cover, Individual, Camouflage Net