TM 10-1670-300-20&P
TO 14D1-2-469-2
NAVAIR 13-1-42
Unpacking. Each component of Ancillary Equipment for Military Free-fall System is separately
packaged in accordance with PPP-B-636. Use care when unpacking to avoid damaging equipment.
Shipping Materials. Save the shipping cartons and crates for reuse when possible.
Checking Unpacked Equipment. Inspect each unpacked component for damage and completeness,
and application of all pertinent Modification Work Orders (MWOs) as follows:
(1) Damage. Check the equipment for damage incurred during shipment Report any damage on DD
Form 6, Packaging Improvement Report. Also note damage on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and
Maintenance Worksheet and initiate corrective maintenance procedures in accordance with Section V of
this manual.
(2) Completeness. Inspect the contents of shipment against the packing slip to see If any items are
missing. Report any discrepancies in accordance with DA Pam 738-750. The equipment may be placed in
service provided missing items do not affect function or safety of the equipment.
(3) Modifications. Check DA Pam 25-30 to see if there are any MWOs applicable to the equipment
you are unpacking. If any MWOs are listed, check DA Form 2408-5, Equipment Modification Record to
see if MWOs have been applied to the equipment. The MWO number will be shown near the equipment
nomenclature label. If a current MWO Is listed in DA Pam 25-30, but there is no evidence that it has been
applied to the equipment you are unpacking, note discrepancy on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection
and Maintenance Worksheet.
After-Use Receipt. When an item is returned to the unit following its use for airdrop, it must be
serviced before further use. The service is performed to remove foreign matter from the equipment and to
permit early detection of obvious defects requiring maintenance. Perform the following:
(1) Inspect the item in accordance with Table 2-1.
(2) Clean and dry the item. Compressed air hose may be used to remove foreign matter from
inaccessible locations