TM 10-1670-300-20&P
TO 14D1-2-469-2
NAVAIR 13-1-42
Not Fully Mission Capable If:
Item No
Item to
FF-2 Release
Inspect withdrawal hook (1) for
Withdrawal hook (1) gap is
proper gap. Inspect withdrawal
too large or too small. Cable
Power Cable
hook retainer clamp (2) for
does not portrude thru
Assembly &
minimum 0 1 inch cable
withdrawal hook retainer
Frangible Cap
portuding Inspect withdrawal
clamp (2) 1/16-mich
hook retainer clamp knurled nut
withdrawal hook retainer
(3) and rubber pad (4) for
clamp knurled nut (3) or
damage. Ensure rectangular
rubber pad (4) is damaged.
key (5) is not offset of canted
Rectangular key (5) is offset
more than 15 degrees. Inspect
or canted more than 15
power cable housing (6) for
degrees. Power cable housing
damage (broken strands of armor (6) is damaged. Power cable
cable). Ensure power cable
housing knurled nut (7) is
housing knurled nut (7) is
damaged. Frangible cap (8)
properly seated. Remove
is cracked or corroded.
frangible cap (8) and inspect for
Rubber buffer (9) is damaged
cracks and corrosion. Ensure
or has dry rot. Power cable
there are no marks or tapes
lock nut (10) is not 7/16-inch
placed on frangible cap (8)
or is not serviceable.
Inspect rubber buffer (9) for dry
Threadless washer (11) is not
rot, cracks. Ensure power cable
present or serviceable
lock nut (10) is 7/16-inch and
properly seated and securely
fastened to power cable rod.
Ensure threadless washer (11) is
present and serviceable.