TM 10-1670-300-20&P
TO 14D1-2-469-2
NAVAIR 13-1-42
Shield adjacent fabric areas before spraying solid film lubricant on metal items. A small
amount of solid film lubricant will not damage, but may cause discoloration and make
fabric appear soiled.
Spray metal items with a solid film lubricant and allow to dry for 24 hours
Equipment Immersed in Salt Water. Equipment made of cotton fabric immersed in salt water are to be
condemned Air delivery equipment made from material other than cotton shall be thoroughly rinsed in fresh water prior to
returning to service FF-2 Release immersed in salt water shall be considered unserviceable.
Equipment Immersed in Fresh Water. Any air delivery equipment that has been immersed m a fresh water
lake, river, or stream will not require rinsing unless it has been ascertained that the water is dirty, oily, or otherwise
GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. Maintenance and repair procedures being applied to the
Ancillary Equipment for Military Free-fall System will be limited to those authorized in the Maintenance Allocation Chart,
Appendix B. The following general maintenance procedures apply
Darning and Patching. There is no limit to the number of darns that may be applied as long as the overall
strength of the fabric is not significantly reduced. Darning and patching procedures shall be accomplished as
outlined in TM 10-1670-201-23. Holes or tears that exceed 1 inch m length or 1 inch m diameter will not be
machine or hand darned However, any cut or tear may be repaired with zigzag stitching, provided no adjacent
material is missing or damaged Holes and tears larger than 1 inch in length or diameter will be patched.
Stitching and Restitching. Stitching and Restitching of Ancillary Equipment for Military Free-fall System will be
accomplished with thread that matches the color of the original stitching if possible All straight stitching will be backed by
backstitching at least 1/2 inch Restitching will be locked by overstitching each end of the stitch formation by 1/2 inch
Zigzag stitching does not require locking; however, zigzag restitching will extend at least 1/2 inch into undamaged
stitching at each end, when possible. Keep proper thread tension to prevent loose top or bobbin thread, and excessively
tight stitching resulting m puckering of the materials sewn. The stitching lock shall be imbedded m the center of the
material. Restitching will be made directly over the original stitching, following the original stitch pattern as closely as
possible See Table 2-2, Stitching Specifications
Cleaning and Deburring Metal Items. Remove burrs, rough spots, rust, or corrosion from metal items by either
filing with a metal file, or buffing with a crocus cloth