TM 10-1670-300-20&P
TO 14D1-2-469-2
NAVAIR 13-1-42
(3) Rejected Equipment. Equipment which, prior to use is deemed unserviceable will be reported in an
Equipment Improvement Recommendation (EIR) in accordance with DA PAM 738-750, as authorized by
AR 750-1. Each applicable item which is defective will be held and safeguarded pending receipt of
disposition instructions from the National Maintenance Point (NMP) In all instances, EIR exhibit materiel
will be handled as prescribed in DA Pam 738-750. If quality or the serviceability of an item is
questionable, clarification and assistance may be obtained by contacting Commander, US Army Aviation
and Troop Command (ATCOM), ATTN: AMSTR-QP, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798.
(4) Equipment of Doubtful Serviceability. Equipment which has had previous use and has not
exceeded normal fair wear or aging criteria, but of which further serviceability is doubtful will be tagged be
tagged as prescribed in DA Pam 738-751. In addition, the equipment will be reported on an EIR in
accordance with DA Pam 738-750 and Ar 750-1. The item(s) in question will be held as EIR exhibit
materiel as outlined in DA Pam 738-750 pending receipt of disposition instructions from NMP. A
maintenance activity holding EIR exhibit materiel will not tamper with the item(s) or make any attempt to
ascertain the cause factors. Unnecessary handling of EIR exhibit materiel may disturb or alter peculiar
aspects of the affected item(s) which might affect the judgement of engineering personnel who have the
responsibility for final evaluation of EIR actions.
2-8. AIRING.
Where dampness and mildew are present, air delivery equipment will be aired at frequent intervals
according to the severity of the prevailing conditions. Equipment that has been subjected to conditions of
dampness or mildew will be aired for a period of at least six hours prior to returning to service.
Air delivery equipment may be aired either indoors or outdoors in dry weather, however fabric items
will not be aired in direct sunlight. Outside facilities used for the shakeout of parachutes may be used for the
airing of air delivery equipment if weather conditions permit.
Airing may be accomplished by suspending or elevating the applicable items in a manner which
would allow entire exposure to the circulation of air. If equipment being aired is to be elevated at several points
by draping over objects, ensure that the objects used would not cause damage to the equipment being aired.