TM 10-3510-208-11
fail to free the belts. Greater travel will
clevis. Adjust the drive shifting air cylinder rod
make the belts tend to wrap around the
clevis to a minumum of inch (.64 cm) in-
extractor motor sheave.
terference fit (short) between the eye of the clevis
c. Extractor-Washer Drive Belts, EdroModel
and the hole in the base arm. Activate cylinder to
install clevis pin.
adjust the extractor- washer drive belts as follows:
(3) Extractor motor drive belts. Adjust as in
(1) above.
(1) Washer motor drive belts. Loosen motor
(4) Main drive belts. Loosen screw in idler
mounting nuts and adjust belts to inch (1.27
pulley arm, turn arm counterclockwise, adjust
belts to inch (1.27 cm) deflection between
(2) Jackshaft to jackshaft belts. Remove
pulleys, tighten screw in idler pulley arm.
clevis pin from drive shifting air cylinder rod
TS 3510-208-12/3-8
Figure 3-8. Extractor-washer drive belt adjustment (Edro Model EP120-LTU).
3-13. Magnetic Valve Adjustment (Eidal
(2) Replace locking spring.
Model ELT9T only)
b. Valve Leaks Air Through the Exhaust Port
(Magnet Is Energized).
a. Valve Leaks Air in the Open Position
(Magnet Not Energized).
and turn the slotted plunger screw (2), one-half
turn at a time, in the clockwise direction.
and turn the slotted plunger screw (2), one-half
(2) Replace locking spring.
turn at a time, in the counterclockwise direction.