TM 10-3510-208-34
TS 022257
Figure 2-5. Testing Resistance.
(e) Read the meter (fig. 2-6). If the meter switch is
on the "RX1" or "X1" range, the reading is taken directly
from the top scale. If the meter switch is on a different
range, multiply the reading on the scale according to the
table below.
Ohms Switch Setting....... You Do
XL or RX1 ......................Read number on scale
X10 or RX10 ...................Multiply reading by 10
X100 or RX100................Multiply reading by 100
X1K or RX1K ..................Multiply reading by 1,000
X10K or RX10K ..............Multiply reading by 10,000
(Remember: K =1.000,
Figure 2-6. Reading the ohm scale.
Using the DC Volts Scale (Fig. 2-7). The DC
volts scale is used to measure all voltages on the
equipment except the 115 AC voltage.
Before using the multimeter to measure
DC voltage, do the following steps that match the
multimeter you have:
AN/URM-105. Set meter switch to DC
volts range given in TM. (To measure 24 volts DC, set
switch on "100 DC VOLTS" range).