TM 10-3510-220-102-8.PREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT)(11) If the burner ignites but does not remain on, adjust burner air intake (1) and repeat steps (5), (6), and (7) until the burner remains on. After twounsuccessful attempts, notify your supervisor.(12) After the burner remains on, open fuel shutoff valve (5) fully and adjustair shutter (2) so that the heater burner has a steady roar. A bright,clean flame will be seen in sight glass (3).(13) Open dryer door until first load is placed in the dryer. This willg.h.. .prevent excess fuel consumption until theWasherController.The washer’s controller isformula charts with preset formulas, or may bedryer is ready to be used.equipped to use pre-punchedoperated manually.FormulaChart.(1) If it is necessary tofollows:change formulas, remove the formula chart as(a)(b)(c)(d)WARNINGDo not make or change electrical connections whilethe unit is in operation.The voltage generated by theengine-generator can cause death by electrocution.Keep moisture away from the engine-generator andkeep the surrounding area dry when operating theunit. Failure to observe this warning may result indeath by electrocution.Do not service the unit withfuel while the unit is in operation. Failure to observethis warning may result in serious injury or death topersonnel.Place Run/Stop knob (3, figure 2-20) in stop position.Pull formula chart (2) to the side and remove.Holding chart to be used with track assignments on left end andprinted side toward operator, insert into program timer from rightside. Toward the left.Using cylinder control wheel (4) align start position with hairlinestart marker (1) on timer front and place Run/Stop knob (3) in RUNposition. Timer is now ready to start.2-58
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