TM 10--3510--221--24
0089 00--2
0089 00
12. Check reading on product pressure regulator gauge.
Is reading < 79 psig?
YES Go to step 13.
NO Go to step 20.
13. Attempt to adjust pressure regulator until gauge reads and maintains 79 to 81 psig (WP 0205 00).
Can regulator be adjusted to proper setting?
YES Return to normal operation.
NO Go to step 14.
14. Check for air venting from air bag pressure regulator.
Is air venting from regulator?
YES Go to step 15.
NO Go to step 17.
15. Check reading on air bag pressure regulator gauge.
Is reading < 64 psig?
YES Go to step 16.
NO Replace air bag pressure regulator (WP 0206 00).
16. Attempt to adjust pressure regulator until gauge reads and maintains 64 to 66 psig (WP 0206 00).
Can regulator be adjusted to proper setting?
YES Return to step 12.
NO Go to step 18.
17. Check all air tubes and connections starting at product pressure regulator and ending at air bag pressure
regulator, orifice manifold, and four solenoid manifolds.
Are any leaks found?
YES Repair as required.
NO Go to step 18.
18. Check all air tubes and connections in air bag system starting at air bag pressure regulator and ending at air
Are any leaks found?
YES Repair as required.
NO Go to step 19.
19. Check for leak in tubes and connections between solenoid manifolds and all air actuated components.
Are any leaks found?
YES Repair as required.
NO Replace product pressure regulator (WP 0205 00).