TM 10-3510-222-10
The laundry system consists of the following functional systems:
Washer. The washer is powered by an externally-mounted motor and drive train. The washer is controlled
either automatically or manually and has a 60-pound (27 kg) capacity. Two 60-pound (27 kg) loads can be washed per
hour in the automatic mode. Automatic operation is provided by a washer control console to regulate all functions of the
laundry cycle. These functions are the number of washes and rinses, water level, and water temperature. Washer
Formula Cards, used to operate the controller, are pre-punched with standard cycles. Blank Washer Formula Cards (10
each), with a card punch, are also supplied and can be used for different washing cycles depending on the length of cycle
desired Manual operation has a variable wash time of up to 60 minutes.
Extractor. The extractor uses centrifugal force to extract water from the wash load prior to the drying
process. It spins at 1700 rpms and is powered by a 3-hp (2237 W) motor. The extractor control has a 10-minute variable
timer and has a load capacity of 30 pounds (14 kg) dry weight.
Dryer. The dryer is powered by an externally-mounted motor and drive train. It has a capacity of 30 pounds
(14 kg) per load, approximately four loads per hour. Controls provide for an adjustable range of 15 minutes for the drying
cycle. Air is heated by a fuel fired air heater mounted on the dryer.
Water Heater. The water heater heats incoming water for the washer. Refer to TM 10-4520-259-13&P.
Water Pump. The portable, centrifugal-type water pump is mounted in a carrying frame. The pump is stored
on the right front side of the trailer during transport. During use, it is placed near the water source and connected to the
facility by a water output hose and power cable. After the initial prime, the pump will deliver 70 gallons (256 liters) of
water per minute at a 25 foot (8 meters) head loss.
Air Compressor. The air compressor provides air pressure for the operation of washer water intake and drain
valves and the water heater hot water valve. The adjustable range of compressed air is 20 to 100 psi (138 to 690 kPa).
Generator. The generator is mounted on the right-hand side of the trailer. Refer to TM 5-6115585-12 for
general description. The Laundry Unit operates on 60-Hertz, 3-phase, 208 vac power. A power distribution panel
provides power distribution from the generator to the components of the Laundry Unit. The panel includes the necessary
circuit breakers for power distribution and safety to the facility components.
Trailer. The trailer is the 5-ton, 4-wheel (tandem axle), flatbed type. Leveling jacks are on the four corners
of the trailer to provide stability and level during operation of the Laundry Unit. Refer to TM 9-2330-376-14&P
1-11/(1-12 blank)