TM 10-3510-222-102-7 ASSEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR USE - continued.b.WorkPlatformcontinued.(10)Remove quick release pins (5) from platform assemblies. Adjust washer/dryer platform brace (6) andinsert quick release pins (5) in holes.(11)Place washer platform (1) and dryer work platform (3) next to the trailer. Install short platform (2).(12)Remove two step stairs platform (8), in front of circuit breaker panel, and install on dr yer platform (3).(13)Locate and remove stair (1 step) (9) from wet washer bin of trailer and install on washer platform (1).NOTEIf platform is in soft ground, use platform footings (8 each) to support platform. Stored inbasket.(14) Adjust platform level (7) and brace with platform footing if needed.c.Ladder. See figure2-11.(1)Release two tiedown straps (6) and remove ladder (3).(2)Position ladder (3) on curb side beam (4).(3)Remove four single acting pins (5) from two struts ( 1), remove two struts (1) and set struts (1) aside.WARNINGWhen removing street side beam it requires two personnel. Personnel or dryer could be hurt ordamaged during removal.(4)Remove two single acting pins (8) from street side beam (7) and remove left beam. Store street sidebeam (7) underneath trailer.(5)Remove contents from baskets (2).(6)Store two struts (1) in basket (2).2-39
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