TM 10-3510-233-13&P
0003 00
0003 00-1
General. The CSSL is designed for operation in temperate zones above 320 F. It can be operated on a
continuous basis in 20 Hour cycles, provided adequate freshwater supply and wastewater discharge can
be sustained on this basis. Minimum employment requirements for the CSSL are summarized on page
0003 00-5.
CSSL AND TEMPER Section. The CSSL is housed in a general cargo container (1) modified to
accommodate the electrically operated, cold- water service laundry facility. An 8-ft TEMPER Section (2), is
attached to the container (1) using a modified end section (3). The boot on the end section connects to the
CSSL with tie down cords and tent stakes at the end of the boot (4). User access to the CSSL is thru the
personnel entrance door (5). The double curbside door (6) allows access to the rear of the washers and
dryers (7). The rear door (8) provides access to the freshwater pump (9) and the wastewater tank and
pump (10).
POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. The CSSL laundry operates on 100 Amp, 208 V, 3-Phase AC power.
A power source, either commercial or appropriate generator (minimum 30kw), must be connected to
external power entry box (11) connectors J1 and J2. Two power distribution panels (12) supply power
through the internal GFCI circuit and to external components through the external GFCI (J3) and 60AMP
(J4) connector on the power input box (11).
WASHING SYSTEM. The stacked commercial washer/dryer units, (13) are mounted to the CSSL floor for
operation and stability during shipment. Washing is accomplished using cold water only.
Freshwater. A freshwater source (either municipal or a 3,000 gallon storage tank) is connected to the
freshwater input panel (14) using a 2 diameter, 50 ft water hose (15). A minimum water pressure of 16
PSI is required to operate the washers. A pre-pressurized diaphragm-type tank (16) with a low-pressure
cutoff switch regulates the freshwater system pressure, turning on the freshwater pump (9) when the
pressure reaches 15 PSI, and off at 30 PSI. When municipal water of sufficient pressure is supplied to the
CSSL, the freshwater pump is not used. Distribution of freshwater to the washers is through a ¾ diameter
copper line (17). Freshwater may also be supplied to the CSSL using a standard garden hose connected
directly to the freshwater input panel. Water supply can then be regulated using a gate valve located
directly behind the panel. Each individual washer line is controlled with a ball valve (18).
Wastewater. Wastewater generated by the washers (13) is drained through a 3 diameter PVC Pipe (19)
into the wastewater tank (10) located in the rear of the container. When the tank contents reach a pre-set
level, a float switch (20) activates a submersible pump (10), that evacuates the contents through the
wastewater panel (21) and a 2 diameter hose into a 3,000 Gallon storage tank or directly into a
wastewater disposal system. A wastewater tank overflow alarm (22), activated by a second float switch
will alert the operator if the tank is not draining properly.
DRYING SYSTEM. Dryers (13) are stacked on top of the washers and fastened to the CSSL using an
angle iron frame bolted to the sidewall of the container. The dryer exhausts (23) are passed thru flexible
ducts that are connected to one of two exhaust openings (24) in the CSSL curbside wall.