TM 10-3510-223-13&P 0005 00
0005 00-32
Stakes and Guy Lines
Stakes and guy lines must be used to prevent excessive
movement of the tent section in high winds. Failure to stake and
tie down tent section may result in personal injury or damage to
Place a 24-inch wooden stake (1) approximately 10 feet from the sides at the corners of the tent section
at each eave extender and slant stake(s) towards tent. Place two stakes (1) approximately 10-feet from
the rear of the tent section at the ridge extender with stakes slanted towards tent.
Connect loop of eave extender guy line (2) and ridge extender guy lines (2) to bottom notch of wooden
stake (1).
Stake tent frame foot to ground using 12-inch steel pins (3).
Stake foot loops (4) to ground and tighten guy lines (2).
Open the container door, being careful not to hit lights. Store light kit container under one of the tables.
After the TEMPER section is set up, unfold the four folding tables and place them inside the tent section.