c. Setting Up Bath Unit. After removing the bath
weeds, and other debris from entering the strainer by
unit from the baseboard, set it up at the selected site
building a barrier of twigs and small branches slightly
upstream from the strainer.
(1) Remove the
straps from the hose
(4) Place the water pump assembly on a
assemblies, and place the straps on the baseboard.
level spot about 10 feet from the water source and
connect the other end of the suction hose assembly (3,
fig. 2-7) to
the intake side of
the water pump.
assemblies, be certain they are
free of any foreign matter and that
Be sure the suction left does not
the coupling gaskets are present
exceed 15 feet.
in each coupler.
(5) Place the water heater about 15 to 20 feet
(2) Couple the suction hose strainer (10, fig.
from the water pump and level the water heater by
1-1) to
one end of
the suction hose (8), making certain
the quick-disconnect coupler locking levers are secure.
below the blower housing. Whenever necessary and
(3) Place the suction hose assembly with the
practical, arrange a suitable housing or windbreak for
strainer into the water source, using one of the following
the heater to reduce the fuel consumption.
(6) Insert the adapter of one of the canvas
(a) Center the strainer on a mound of
hoses into the coupler (4, fig. 2-7), located on the
discharge side of the water pump assembly. Take the
stones upstream, about 3 feet from the strainer, to divert
other end of the hose, and attach it to the adapter (5, fig.
any floating debris away from the strainer.
2-8), located on
the lower manifold of
the water heater.
(b) Build a tripod from tree branches or
(7) Place the fuel drum (3) approximately 5
saplings, and suspend the strainer from the top of the