Figure 3-5. Shower head nozzle (used on
Army models 41,44,
45 and York-Shipley model YS49279) disassembled.
3-11. Water Line Strainer
(2) Loosen the clamp screw, allowing the clamp
(5) to release from the flange on the strainer housing (1).
a. Inspection. Inspect for dirty, broken, cracked, and
leaking strainer. Inspect for leaking strainer cap.
(3) Use the right hand to hold the strainer cap
b. Cleaning. Clean the strainer element after every 8
(4) in the housing, and then use the left hand to slide the
hours of operation of the water pump when the water
clamp from the housing.
source is a stream, lake, or river. It will not be necessary to
clean the strainer element as often if the water source is an
(4) Remove the strainer. cap and the gasket
open reservoir that contains water from a pressurized
(3) from the housing.
source, or if the water has already been through a strainer.
Remove the strainer element from its housing as in (1)
(5) Slide the strainer element (2) from the
through (5) below, clean it according to (6) below, and
install it as in (7) below.
(1) Unscrew the locknut (6, fig. 3-6) several
(6) Wash the element in clean water. Agitate it
turns on the clamp screw (7).
to remove all mud and dirt, and dry it with a clean cloth.
(7) Install the element by reversing the
procedure in (1) through (5) above. Make certain the
clamp screw (7) is tight before tightening the locknut (6).