TM 10-4510-209-13&P
0022 00
6. At the service entry panel (8), change 1-inch input hose (9) connection from top location (10) to
bottom connection (11), install dust cap at top location.
7. Open the branch line gate valve to flush holding tank #2 (7).
8. Using a paddle (12), direct all solids towards drain. Continue until all visible solids are removed.
9. Close branch line gate valve and reconnect 1-inch hose (9) to top input connection (10) on the
service entry panel (8). Install dust cap on bottom input connection.
10. When notified by water distribution system personnel, open branch line valve and repeat steps 2
through 4 for potable water.
11. Close 4-inch valve assembly (1) and access panel (4).
12. Clean and disinfect paddle (12) and all other tools and/or personal protective clothing and individual
equipment using a general purpose detergent solution, then sanitize using a ten-to-one solution of
household bleach in warm water (i.e. 6-ounces in 2-quarts of water) and allow to air dry.
0022 00-2