TM 10-8400-201-23
Materials used in the repair of the clothing and poncho liners will be materials recovered from similar
salvaged Items when authorized or will be new materials as specified in Section III. New materials will be
requisitioned from stock under the stock number and/or Items description and shall conform to appropriate
specification When not available from stock, the materials may be purchased locally that conform as
closely as possible to the standard material.
Refer to Chapter 1 for serviceability classification of liners.
Prior to repair operations, each liner shall be Inspected by qualified personnel to determine the amount
of repair necessary. Repairs will be made as fully as skills, facilities, funds, and local conditions permit
Inspectors will determine whether repairs can be accomplished within the using organization or evacuate
to direct support level of maintenance
a. Cleaning. Remove dirt, mud, or other foreign matter with damp or dry cloth. Rub exceedingly
dirty areas with limited amounts of water that will not saturate the polyester batting, rinse and
dry thoroughly. Garments that require laundering will be processed in Army facilities in accord-
ance with established laundry practices set forth in FM 10-280. QUILTED GARMENTS WILL
b. Organizational Repair. Repairs to be accomplished at organizational maintenance are limited
to replacing missing or damaged buttons, applying pressure sensitive patches, and mending
small rips and tears by hand sewing. To prevent loss of polyester batting, all tears and holes
or other openings In the liner will be repaired. There is no limit to the number of times the
liner may be patched, provided repair costs do not exceed 35 percent of the acquisition cost of
the item. Any filling material (polyester batting) which has been lost through holes or tears
will be replaced with filling material taken from salvaged liners or material conforming to Type
III, Class 3, Style A, MIL-B-41826. Insert sufficient filling material to obtain about the same
bulk as in adjacent undamaged channels. Apply pressure sensitive patches to liner covers where
damage does not extend into a seam as follows:
Lay out the liner with the damaged area exposed and trim ragged, frayed, or torn areas of
cloth in order to provide smooth area for patch.
(2) Determine size of patch required and mark around damaged area Measure and cut pressure
sensitive adhesive repair tape to shape. Patches should overlap edges of damaged area by
3/4 inch. Round off corners of patches.
(3) Remove paper backing from repair tape. To remove backing, crease and score with finger-
nail, being careful not to damage cloth, and peel paper backing from tape.