TM 10-8400-201-23
Patching and darning. Patch holes or worn areas exceeding 1/8 Inch (0 318 cm) on any
surface. Precut patches of matching material for uniformity. Cut patches to extend
approximately 3/4 inch (1 91 cm) around perimeter of opening, providing not less than
3/8 inch (0 953 cm) turn-under at all edges except selvage edges. Darn holes and worn
areas of less than 1/4 Inch (0.635 cm). Turn under frayed hems and edges and restitch
Use sharp needles to sew lining to prevent large needle holes or cutting the fabric
Buttons and buttonholes. Replace damaged or missing buttons with matching serviceable
or new buttons. Properly aline replacement button with corresponding buttonhole
Rework damaged buttonholes over gimp to match original design Pull and shape by
hand or machine stitch a matching small reinforcement patch on the underside and
rework through the patch.
Binding tape. Overlap the damaged binding tape with new tape extending 1 inch beyond
the damaged area. Turn binding edges under 1/2 Inch (1.27 cm) and stitch 1/8 inch
(0.318 cm) from edge of tape.
Tie tapes (poncho liner) Replace tapes which have holes or tears by carefully cutting
the stitching securing the damaged tie tape to the liner and remove the tie tape. Cut a
length of spun nylon facing for each tie tape to be replaced. Fuse tie tape end or im-
pregnate with cellulose acetate or cellulose acetate butyrate. Fold tie tape In half and
bartack across folded end to liner. Spread tapes so that inside edges are abutted and bar-
tack across the width of both tapes 1/2 to 3/4 Inch (1.27 to 1 91 cm) below first bartack
After cleaning and repair have been accomplished, resize liners according to sizes listed in the appropriate
table. The finished measurements for the parka liner are length, no less than 89-1/2 Inches (227.3 cm)
and width no less than 64-1/2 inches (163 8 cm), however, dimensional deficiency is not sufficient reason
for classifying the item as condition code H. When items deviate in size from original markings, obliterate
the old marking and print or stamp the proper size with indelible pencil or waterproof ink near the old
size. When measurements do not correspond to a size listed, mark the Item with the next lowest size.