TM 10-8400-201-23
General. Materials used in the repair of CPU will be serviceable materials recovered from similar
salvaged items, except where specifically prohibited, or will be new materials.
New Materials. New materials will conform to the appropriate specifications and will be requisitioned
from stock using national stock numbers, complete military standard numbers, or part number and
Contractor and Government Entity Code (CAGEC) listed in section III. When not available from stock,
materials conforming as closely as possible to the standard material may be purchased locally.
Fielded Items will not be repaired. This chapter Is for repair of training garments only .
Wide latitude for repair Is encouraged. CPU with rips, tears, or required repairs will not
be Issued to the soldier for protection against chemical agents.
General. Prior to repair, each item will be inspected to determine the amount of repair necessary. All
repairs to components of the CPU will be accomplished at the direct support level. FM 10-16 will be
used as a general guide. Repair of the CPU is authorized for training garments only.
Repair Procedures:
Preliminary Examination. Remove all dirt, mud, dust, spots, stains and other foreign matter with
a brush before examining the garment. Seams will be tested by firmly grasping the item with
both hands and pulling at right angles to the seams. Areas to be repaired shall be marked by
means of tape or chalk or other removable means. Nonspecific and personal marks shall be
erased or obliterated.
Rips and tears. (Figure 23-2)
To mend a ripped seam, overlap the two edges and hand sew or 301 machine stitch with
straight and small stitches. (Figure 23-2, A).
To repair a tear, place the two edges together and neatly hand sew using a whip stitch.
(Figure 23-2, B).
To mend a frayed edge, turn the frayed edge under and hand sew or 301 machine stitch
this turned edge. (Figure 23-2, C).
Field Expedient Repair or Temporary Measures.
Loosely whip stitch a rip or tear, keeping the seam as flat as possible. Trim all thread ends.
Field taping (duct tape or other tape sufficient to patch). Keeping the rip or tear as flat as
possible, tape over the puncture. Cut the appropriate size of tape to cover the rip or tear.
Round the edges of the tape to reduce fraying. Place the tape over the rip or tear and
press firmly.
Change 4