TM 10-8415-209-10
TM 8415-10/2
Chemical Protective Underwear Two-piece (CPU ). The CPU is a two piece undergarment intended to be
worn under the standard duty uniform. It provides chemical protection as an alternative to the Battle Dress
Overgarment (BDO) in all climatic categories (hot, basic, cold, extreme cold). The CPU is designed to be worn next
to skin for up to 15 continuous days, and can be laundered once in its service life (see paragraph 3-2 for laundering
procedures). The CPU protection may be degraded by gross contamination with petroleum, oils, lubricants (POLs).
The CPU will be issued as individual equipment to certain combat vehicle crewman, aviators, and Special
Operations units. Refer to FM 3-4/FMFM 11-9 for protective capabilities.