TM 10-8415-209-10
TM 8415-10/2
Suit, Chemical and Biological Protective, Carbon Sphere (Saratoga). The Saratoga suit is a camouflage
(desert and woodland) overgarment consisting of coat and trousers. This suit is normally worn over the duty
uniform, however, in high temperatures it may be worn over underwear. In extreme cold weather, the Saratoga suit
will be worn under arctic clothing for camouflage.
The Saratoga suit provides protection against chemical agent vapors, liquid droplets; biological agents; toxins; and
radioactive alpha and beta particles. It may be laundered up to ten (10) times during its NBC service life. The
Saratoga suit is not intended to be decontaminated or reimpregnated, and should be properly discarded after
exposure to chemical agents in accordance with FM 3-5/FMFM 11-10. Contact with petroleum, oils and lubricants
(POLs) will significantly degrade protection provided by the Saratoga suit. The nylon/cotton outer layer is treated
with a durable liquid repellent. Whereas it is water resistant, it is not water proof, and protection may be degraded
when suit is soaked. Refer to FM 3-4 FM FM 11-9 for protective capabilities.
The Saratoga suit is presently authorized for Marine Corps use only.