TM 10-8415-209-10
TM 8415-10/2
Suit, Contamination Avoidance, Liquid Protective (SCALP). This impermeable suit consists of a hooded
poncho, trousers, and two footwear covers. The footwear cover soles are embossed for enhanced durability and slip
resistance. The SCALP, worn over chemical protective clothing, provides protection from gross liquid contamination
by chemical agents.
The suit is primarily used by Armor and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel and personnel in collective
protection who may, by necessity, be forced to leave collective protection to perform some vital function. In such a
situation, the SCALP reduces reentry time. A secondary use of SCALP is to protect decontamination personnel
from becoming contaminated during decontamination operations. The SCALP is not intended to be
decontaminated, reimpregnated, or laundered, and should be properly discarded after exposure to chemical agents
in accordance with FM 3-5/FMFM 11-10. Refer to FM 3-4/FMFM 11-9 for protective capabilities.
Prior to donning the SCALP, the soldier should first achieve MOPP level 4.