TM 5-6350-255-13
forward. Grasp transmitter and encoder module stack
assembly and discard geophone and cable.
with hand and remove from case.
Remove O-ring located inside the case
b. Installation.
(1) Remove plastic protective caps from new
b. Installation.
encoder. Plug a stack of "common modules" (encoder
and transmitter) into the code plug receptacle (fig. 5-1).
(1) Obtain a replacement geophone and cable
assembly from stock.
Push the wire end of this
Align cable, and black mark on code plug with
assembly through the packing gland and through the
black mark on inside of tube, being careful not
appropriate opening of the case assembly, until the
to rotate stack.
shrink fit tubing on the shielded cable bottoms in the
(2) Slide the entire stack into the short tube.
packing gland opening. Push cable into the case
assembly and tighten packing gland.
An elastic spacer Installed in the case
(2) Grasp the cable end through the open end of the
assembly will cause the transmitter and
short tube of the case assembly. Feed the wire end
encoder stack to stick out from case assembly
through the center section of the case assembly into the
approximately 1/2 inch (12.7000 mm).
long tube. Grasp the wire end through the opening of the
long tube and pull it out to protrude about 2 inches (5.08
cm) from the case assembly.
RF connectors can be easily damaged unless
(3) Remove the protective sleeving at cable end.
properly mated.
This sleeving protects the already installed connector
(3) Mate the coaxial connector located inside the
contacts that are attached to the cable assembly. Install
the contacts into connector in the following manner; red
mating receptacle on the transmitter face.
wire into pins 3 and 4; black wire into pins 5 and 6; and
shield into pins 2 and 7. Installation can be achieved by
Check and verify that complete and full
pushing pins into the connector shell. Pin 1 is the guide
engagement has been made between the two
halves of the coaxial connectors by looking
through one of the bayonet slots in the antenna
Exercise reasonable care in pushing a contact
and transmitter cap assembly.
into the connector since the 26 gauge wires in
the cable assembly are fragile.
(4) Align the antenna and transmitter cap assembly
bayonet lock, and push the entire stack assembly into
(4) Reinstall all removed modules.
the case. Rotate the cap clockwise until it engages the
(5) Depress safety spring (fig. 5-2) and turn power
three mating pins and a click is heard or felt, indicating
switch to ARM or TEST position. The MINISID III is
full engagement of the bayonet lock. Install and tighten
ready for operation.
the set screw on the antenna and transmitter cap
5-15. Power Switch and Security Switches
(5) Depress spring (fig. 5-2) and turn power switch
from OFF to ARM or TEST position. The MINISID III is
a. Removal.
ready for operation.
5-14. Geophone and Cable Assembly
switch to OFF position.
(1) Remove all modules from case assembly.
a. Removal.
While using an Allen wrench, loosen both set screws on
power switch (8A, fig. B-1), remove power switch knob,
and set aside.
switch to OFF position.
(2) Using a screwdriver, pry up underneath of both
(1) Remove battery cap, battery, seismic module,
security switches, remove and set aside.
(3) With an open end wrench or equivalent, loosen
(2) Grasp the shielded geophone cable end
and remove nut holding switch to case assembly. Reach
protruding from the opening of the long tube (fig. 5-7); cut
into case assembly through opening at end of either long
off the small connector.
or short tube and remove switch.
(4) Remove switch plate and set aside.
using 3/8 inch (9.5250 mm) open-end wrench or
equivalent. Pull the geophone cable out of its case