TM 5-6350-255-13
Before unsoldering wires, make a sketch of the
Before unsoldering wires, make a sketch of the
location of each wire by color and terminal
location of each wire by color. Tag wires if
number, tag wires if necessary.
(5) Unsolder wire from switch terminals noting the
(3) Unsolder wires from terminals noting location of
location of each wire and discard defective switch.
each wire from the defective battery connector, and
discard connector.
b. Installation.
(4) Using the sketch or tags of the wire location
(1) Insert new switch into case assembly through either
resolder leads from the terminal to the new battery
long or short tube and into the holes provided in the
center of the case assembly (fig. C-1). Install nut that
(5) Snap the battery connector to its mating
secures switch to the case assembly, and tighten nut
using an open end wrench or equivalent.
movement until a click is felt or heard. Set power switch
(2) Turn the switches to full counterclockwise position.
to ARM or TEST position, whichever is applicable.
(3) Install switch plate (fig. C-1) on switch shafts.
5-18. Interrupt/Control Assembly Replacement
Tighten Allen screws with flat portion of shaft facing C-3,
or ARM as applicable.
(4) Install the knobs for the security switches so that they
The following procedures apply to Model
point to SET position, and the power switch knob should
AN/GSQ-154 (V) and ANIGSQ-154A (V).
point to the OFF position.
a. Removal. Remove the battery, seismic module,
encoder modules, and seismic module.
lacing cord which binds geophone and Interrupt/Control
(6) Replace end cap with a clockwise movement until a
click is felt or heard.
Remove the switches from the case assembly (para
5-16. End Cap Assembly Gaskets
5-15). Do
not unsolder. Work the switches clear of
interrupt/control assembly and into the short tube of the
case assembly. Remove nut, switch cover, nut, lanyard
washer, and cap from the interface connector (fig. C-l).
switch to OFF position.
Remove the two flat head screws securing the
a. Removal. To remove, turn end cap assembly
interrupt/control assembly from the bottom of the case
with a counterclockwise movement, and remove end cap
Remove the interrupt/control assembly,
interface connector and cables by working it into the
short tube.
When the end cap assembly gaskets have
been cut, broken, cracked, or mutilated, they
must be replaced.
switch to OFF position.
Cleaning. Remove gasket and all material left
b. Installation.
in space occupied by gasket. Clean space thoroughly.
Wipe off using soap and water (not wet). Dry thoroughly
When installing an interrupt/control assembly,
using a clean dry cloth.
make sure switch plate is installed correctly
c. Installation. Apply adhesive sparingly to new
before installing power switch attaching
gaskets, and insert into end cap assembly. Remove all
hardware. Replace two ring seals on the flat
excess adhesive. Replace end cap assembly (fig. 5-4)
head securing screws.
with a clockwise movement until a click is heard or felt.
Turn power switch (fig. 5-2) to ARM or TEST position.
from the short tube, and position it through hole in center
The MINISID III is ready for operation.
of housing assembly. Secure with nut.
5-17. Battery Connector Replacement CAUTION
Do not install switch cover, washer nut, lanyard
switch to OFF position.
washer, and cap until switch plate and knobs
a. Removal.
are secured.
(1) Turn end cap assembly counterclockwise and
(2) Install new interrupt/control to bottom of case
remove end cap.
assembly, using two new ring seals, and two flat head
(2) Unsnap the mating receptacles from the battery (fig.
(3) Install switch assembly and secure to case
assembly with nut and tighten using an open end wrench
or equivalent.