TM 55-1615-226-40
assembly (204-011-401-7) to the 204-011-401-11 con-
figuration is accomplished by the addition of safety
washers (15) and washers (16), the replacement of
plate (33), spacer (17), bolt (14), and bolt (4); and the
reworking of scissors (204-011-406-5) to the 204-011-
406-9 configuration (paragraph 2-30).
c. Preserve, package, pack and mark scissors and
sleeve assembly (204011-401-11) in accordance with
figure 4-1.
2-31. Reassembly.
2-32. Hub And Collective Sleeve.
2-33. Reassemble hub and collective sleeve as fol-
a. Use T101382 adapter to install new seal (44,
figure 2-1) in nut (36). Place nut, with seal lip down,
loosely on sleeve (45), below shoulder.
b. Assemble bearing set (42) and spacer set (43)
as shown, with V-mark on bearing outer races aligned
and pointing up. (See view A, figure 2-l). Use
T101382 adapter to press two lower bearings of bear-
ing set (42) on upper end of sleeve. Press spacer set
(43) and upper bearing of bearing set (42) on upper
end of sleeve.
c. Start left-hand threaded nut (41) on sleeve.
Install T1013O2 wrench with pin engaged in holes of
nut. Hold sleeve with T101424 bar inserted through
lower end. Torque nut 150 to 200 foot-pounds. Align
holes of nut and sleeve at one place and insert pin
(40). Install lockwire through drilled head pin in
space between nut and sleeve. (See view (D). A sign-
off inspection is required to insure the installation of
pins and Iockwire.
d. Press new seal (38), with lip pointing up, into
top of hub (37) with T101382 adapter, flush with (or
slightly below) lower edge of hub seal bore.
e. Place sleeve assembly on a press, with T101369
support halves under outer race of lower bearing.
Place spacer ring (39) on upper bearing. Press hub
assembly down over bearings. Remove assembly
from press.
fi InstalI T101392 wrench on top of hub with two
bolts. Invert assembly and secure wrench in a vise.
Start lower nut (36) into hub and torque 150 to 200
foot-pounds using wrench T101493. Install lock plate
(35), with tabs engaged in two slots of nut. If lock plate
does not align, use new lock plate and drill two 0.198-
to 0.204inch holes to match existing tapped holes in
hub. Secure to hub with two screws (34). Lo&wire
screw heads together. Turn assembly upright and
remove tools. A sign-off inspection is required to in-
sure the installation of lockplate and lockwire.
g. Install plate set (33, figwe 2-1) and flange (32)
on top of hub with six bolti (30 ) and aluminum alloy
washers (31). Lock wire bolt hc ads in sets of three.
2-34. Scissors Assembly.
2-35. Reassemble scissors am~mbly as follows:
au. Coat exterior of liner (19) and scissors as-
sembly bore with primer (item 12, table 1-2), allow to
dry and coat with compound (i;em 15, table 1-2).
a. Install pivot bearing liner (19) in scissors.
Press shim (21) into pivot beari ~ liner. Press bearing
set (20) into liner with V-mark pointing inboard.
b. With the bearing set seated, measure the diE-
tance between inside of scissors leg and inner race of
triplex bearing.
c. If measurement is nDt within tolerance
(3.990--4.000 inches) remove bearing set (20) and
peel or add stilcient shims to meet the dimensions.
d. Reinstall bearing set ~Ld again measure the
distance between inside of scis,$ors leg and inner race
of bearing.
e. Repeat this procedure wltil the proper dimen-
sion is met.
2-36. Scissors And Sleeve Assembly.
2-37. Reassemble scissors ar,d sleeve assembly as
a. Position scissors assembly on hub (37) with
spacer (18) installed between trailing edge of hub and
triplex bearing (20, figure 2-1.
b. Install washer (16) bet~veen bearing (51) and
safety washer (15) on bolt (14) as required to main-
tain a minimum clearance c f 0.010 inch between
washer (15) and scissors asse]nbly.
c. Install bolt (14), spac(:r (17) and nut (13).
Tighten nut (13) to a torque of 200-400 inch-pounds
and secure with cotter pin (12 ). A sign-off inspection
is required to insure the installation of cotter pin.
d. Ensure freedom of ope]ation and end play on
hub (37).
e. Install shim (11) betwet,n bearing set (20) and
pivot bearing spacer (10) to obain 0.003 inch tQ 0.009
inch extension of spacer de pivot bearing liner.
f. Install cover plate (9). S~xmre with nuts (7) and
washera (8).
g. Ensure a new seal (7 DL6223) (24) is installed
in housing assembly (23). A,semble thrust washer
(25) and housing assembly (23) over leading edge of
bearing (29).
h. Position drive link (5) o~ scissors with straight
edge of scissors in a leading position (see figure 2-1 ).
Install bolt (4) with washer (3) under head of bolt (4).
Install shim (22) betwee]~ housing and link
Change 4