TM 55-1680-350-10
Insure the inside bottom of the life raft is kept as dry as
possible to prevent chafed skin, cuts, or sores from
becoming infected by the salt water.
2-17. Boat Paddles
The individual. overwater. survival kit is equipped with two wooden boat paddles (17
fig. 2-1, which are 14 inches long by 3 1/4 inches wide and provide a means of
moving and steering the life raft when afloat. Each paddle has a webbing loop
attached on one end and one side of the paddle is coated with reflective material The
webbing loop is slipped over the hand to prevent loss of the paddle during use. The
reflective material will reflect light flashes from the sun or night search lights and
these flashes. which can be seen for a long distance. may alert rescue parties in
your area.
2-18. Inflatable Craft Repair Kit
The inflatable craft repair kit (18 fig 2 1) is used to plug a hole which may develop in
the raft The kit consists of two oblong-shaped plates with a retaining lanyard.
Procedures for using the kit are as follows: