TM 55-1680-350-10
gather drinking water from the formation of early morning dew on the life raft or from
the leaves of trees and plants it on land. In addition, bits of the sponge may be used
as fish bait provided the sponge bits have been dipped in animal blood prior to
baiting the fish hook.
2-20. Survival Manual
The survival manual (AFM 64-5 or FM 21-76) (20, fig. 2-1) is included in the survival
kit to provide instructions on survival under all climatic and environmental conditions.
Reference the survival manual for all survival methods and practices.
2-21. Trioxne Compressed Fuel
Trioxane fuel contains metaformaldehyde, which Is highly toxic. Ingestion
constitutes a medical emergency. Wash hands immediately after handling
opened or leaking packages.