1. Introduction
early 1960's, the increases in length, cubic capacity, and
weight carrying ability, which were sought for all types of
a. This manual provides basic rules and procedures for
freight cars, produced a series of spectacular jumps in boxcar
proper application of materials used in loading and securing
size and capacity. The 60and 86%-foot cars in 70and 100-ton
military cargo in closed railcars.
designs were introduced generally for automobile parts
b. Information contained in this manual is extracted
service. Other high-cube designs have also been developed
from the Association of American Railroads (AAR) Circular
for household appliances.
42-D, General Rules Covering Loading of Carload Shipments
(3) Because of the fragile nature of many
of Commodities in Closed Cars; AAR Pamphlet 14, Rules
commodities transported in boxcars, a higher percentage of
Regulating the Safe Loading of Freight in Closed Cars and
these cars are fitted with slidingsill and end-of-car cushioning
Protection of Equipment;
and other AAR
pamphlets covering
than has been the case for any other type of car. Load-
specific commodities (app A). These AAR rules provide
stowing and load-retaining devices are more generally applied
general information with respect to materials and procedures
in boxcars for the same reason.
to be used in loading, blocking, and bracing commodities to
(4) As the use of lift trucks and other materials
be shipped. The AAR rules apply only within CONUS while
handling equipment has grown, there has been increasing
the suggested loading procedures are applicable worldwide.
emphasis on door openings through which these machines
AAR loading pamphlets on specific commodities may be
can maneuver readily. Shippers have been seeking wider
obtained from the Freight Loading and Container Section,
door openings. There are now several types of cars on which
Association of American Railroads, 59 East Van Buren Street,
the entire side opens to facilitate materials handling
Chicago, Illinois 60605.
Another popular arrangement has been a
c. The
combination of a single sliding door and a single plug door on
recommendations for improving this manual by the user is
each side of the car to give the opening normally produced by
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form 2028
the double sliding door arrangement. The plug door single
(Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms)
and double arrangements have been used exclusively on a
and forwarded to the Director, Military Traffic Management
growing number of cars.
and Terminal Service Transportation Engineering Agency,
(5) The insulated boxcar has been increasingly
ATTN: MTT-GDP, P.O. Box 6276, Newport News, Virginia
popular. This type of car now handles many of the shipments
that formerly moved in heated refrigerator cars. Many
shippers also specify them for shipments that could be
2. General.
(6) Express boxcars equipped for passenger train
a. General Information.
operation are built essentially the same as those in freight
(1) Boxcars are primarily employed to transport valuable
service but are fitted with air, signal, and steam-heat pipes
commodities and products requiring protection from the
and have passenger-car brakes and high-speed trucks.
weather or against breakage. Besides the plain type of box
car intended for ordinary freight traffic there are boxcars made
letters and definitions for boxcar types of railcars.
to accommodate the products peculiar to certain industries
(8) The Association of American Railroads
such as automobile parts, lumber, grocery products-,
loading rules are formulated for the purpose of providing safe
appliances, and some bulk materials.
Nearly a third
and economical methods of loading railcars. The materials
(512,000) of the 1,710,659 railcars in service in 1973 were
and procedures specified in these rules are minimum
classed as boxcars. Of these approximately 25 percent were
requirements based on exacting studies and experiences over
so equipped that they were assigned to specific services.
a period of many years. All of the general rules and
requirements for blocking and securing loads outlined in AAR
(2) Boxcars of 40and 50-foot lengths in either
Pamphlet 14 and AAR Circular 42D are mandatory, unless
40or 50-ton capacities constituted practically all the models
otherwise provided.
built in the 40 years ending about 1960. The AAR Mechanical
(9) The general rules contained in AAR Circular
Institute, even prepared highly standardized designs that were
the basis for hundreds of thousands of single and double-
sheathed cars built over the four decades. Starting in the