L U B R I C A T I O N : After 50 HOURS OPERATION, drain oil and add 1 oz. oil additive P/N 1190-47-05
into the crankcase, then refill with fresh SAE #30 Non-Detergent oil to oil level line. Check the oil
level periodically. No further oil changes are necessary unless water enters the crankcase, usually
rise above the line and during operation the oil would have an opaque discoloration. Change the oil
a n d additive and replace seals if necessary. Extra 2 Oz. bottles of additive are available as Part 1190
-47-05. When draining the crankcase, be careful to replace the aluminum drain plug without pinching
t h e O-ring seal, as this would cause leakage of oil. This drain plug should be finger tight only. Do not
tighten with a pliers.
The oil wicks are lubricated at assembly, but add one squirt of SAE #30 non-detergent motor oil in
each oil fill hole in the top of the intake manifold prior to initial operation and every week or
5 0 hours thereafter. Failure to oil the wicks regularly will cause premature pump leakage.