recommended type of storage. These codes are as
(2) When the figure to be retained is odd and
followed by a 5 and zeroes, the figure to be retained is
increased by 1. When the figure to be retained is even
Heated warehouse space (general purpose).
and followed by a 5 and zeroes, the figure to be retained
Unheated warehouse space (general purpose).
is not changed, e.g., 3.50 = 4 and 2.50 = 2.
Controlled humidity warehouse space.
e. Condition Coding. Based on evaluation, lots or
Flammable warehouse space.
items shall be assigned appropriate condition codes in
Chill or freeze warehouse space.
accordance with the codes and the explanation of the
Any other warehouse space.
codes provided in AR 725-50. Enter the condition code
G Shed, nonwarehouse space.
in Part I, Block 28b (see para 2-9a(1).)
M Wet storage space.
2-8. Surveillance Test and Measuring Equipment.
Q Hazardous commodity space (non-Class V
a. Availability an adequacy. Determine the availability
items, e.g., acids, compressed gases, or
and adequacy of all test and measuring equipment
radioactive items).
required to perform the examinations and tests required
Automatic storage retrieval system.
by this bulletin. If test or measuring equipment is
Controlled humidity nonwarehouse space.
unavailable or inadequate, report such within 30 days to
Other nonwarehouse space.
the Commander, US Army Armament Materiel
Special storage at 35 . (20 ) or less.
Readiness Command, ATTN:
Open, concrete, improved space.
Island, IL 61299.
Open, blacktop, improved space.
b. Calibration Test and measuring equipment shall
Open, crushed stone, improved space.
be calibrated at established intervals in accordance with
Open, gravel improved space.
the applicable technical bulletin, technical manual, or
Open, unimproved space.
instruction manual.
In the event that adequate
Preservation and packing or maintenance
calibration procedures are not included in these
documents, inquiry about the proper calibration
2-7. Evaluation. a. Serviceability based on sampling
procedure shall be made to the organization responsible
inspection. A lot shall be classified as serviceable
for design or supply of the test equipment. A calibration
provided no critical defeat is observed and the number
system for the calibration of inspection measuring gages
of major, minor, or test defectives does not exceed the
and test equipment shall be established in accordance
number allowed in the sampling plan for the item.
with the requirements of AR 750-25. The records and
b. Serviceability on Unit Basis Inspection. An item
reports required in calibration of Army equipment are
inspected on a unit basis or subjected to 100 percent
described in TM 38-750.
inspection, is serviceable if the following criteria are
2-9. Reports and Reporting. Inspections and tests
performed in accordance with this bulletin shall be
(1) No defects are observed.
reported to the designated command using the
(2) All requirements for test and analysis are
applicable forms.
a. Forms.
(3) All units have been modified in
(1) Munitions Surveillance Report (DA Form
accordance with existing Modification Work Orders
984). This form will be used to record and report the
results of all examinations and tests when conducting
c. Special Instructions. In addition to applicable
prestorage inspection, initial receipt inspection, periodic
criteria for evaluation contained in this paragraph,
cycle inspection, or pre-issue inspection.
special criteria for certain items or groups of items are
provided when necessary in the applicable appendix of
This form may also be used for
this bulletin.
special inspection when so directed
d. Procedure for Rounding Off Numerical
by higher headquarters.
Requirements. Numerical requirements, when stated,
Form Instructions
indicate the number of significant digits to be retained,
Part I:
i.e., the last figure or decimal place to be reported. The
Represented By Samples.
procedure given below is to be used in rounding-off
(a) Block 1. Enter the actual storage location,
observed or calculated values for the purpose of
which may not necessarily be the depot or storage
activity having accountability.
(1) When the next figure beyond the last
(b) Block 2. Enter the local report number.
figure to be retained is less than 5, the figure to be
(c) Block 3. Enter the date of the report.
retained is kept unchanged. When the next figure
beyond the last figure to be retained is greater than 5,
the figure to be retained is increased by one, e.g., 2.54
= 2.5 and 2.56 = 2.6.