SB 740-94-8
(2) M3 disperser, agent tank, hydrostatic pressure
being propelled in the event of
rupture. Examine the test samples
(a) Requirements. No leakage or permanent
and test equipment for foreign matter
deformation is allowed when the agent tank is subjected
prior to testing. Isolate the test
to an internal hydrostatic pressure of 625 + 10 psig for a
equipment and specimens when
period of one minute minimum.
(b) Equipment required. A regulated pressure
functional tests.
Where possible,
source (700 psig). The pressure gage shall be checked
locate pressure gages and operating
for a minimum accuracy of + 1 minor scale division. M5
controls a safe distance from the test
test set, NSN 1040-00-050-7952, may be used, TM 3-
site, When conducting a visual
examination for leakage, a portable
(c) Procedure.
shield mounted on casters may be
1. Plug the diffusion pipe fitting, the
The shield should be of
outlet pipe, and one of the tank plug openings.
sufficient strength to withstand an
2. Connect the other tank plug opening
impact resulting from a rupture of
to a controlled source of hydrostatic pressure.
the test equipment or specimen.
3. Slowly
(1) M3 disperser, high pressure tank, hydrostatic
pressure to 625 + 10 psig for a period not less than 1
volumetric test.
minute and observe for leakage and any deformity.
(a) Requirements.
No leakage shall be
4. Fluid
allowed when the high pressure tank is subjected to an
internal hydrostatic pressure of 3500 + 50 pounds per
5. Any visual permanent physical
square inch gage (psig) for a period of 60 + 10 seconds.
change in appearance of the tank assembly shall
This test shall be performed by the water jacket or other
indicate deformity.
suitable method. Permanent volumetric expansion may
(3) M3 disperser, check valve assembly, valve seat
not exceed 10 percent of the total volumetric expansion
leakage check.
during the tests.
If the test pressure cannot be
(a) Requirements. No valve seat leakage
maintained, because of test equipment failure, repeat
shall be allowed when the assembly is subjected to an
the test at a pressure increase of 10 percent, or 100
internal air pressure of 300 30 psig for a period of 60 +
psig, whichever is the smaller increase.
10 seconds.
(b) Equipment required. A water jacket and a
(b) Equipment required.
A regulated air
regulated pressure source (3500 psig). The pressure
pressure source (320 + 10 psig) and a water tank with a
gages shall be checked for a minimum accuracy of + 1
wetting agent in the water.
minor scale division. The expansion gage shall be of
(c) Procedure.
such precision as to permit a reading to an accuracy of
1. Remove the safety disk plug.
either one percent or 0.1 cubic centimeter. M5 test set,
2. Seal the inlet port and the safety
NSN 1040-00-050-7952, may also be used, TM 3-1040-
disk plug port.
3. Connect a regulated air pressure
(c) Procedure.
source to the outlet port.
1. Fill the water jacket with water.
4. Place the assembly into the tank
2. Remove the high pressure tank from the
filled with water containing a wetting agent.
5. Subject the assembly to the
required air pressure for the time specified.
Bleed any pressure from the
6. Examine the assembly for leakage.
pressure tank before removing the
7. Release the air pressure and
valve assembly.
remove the valve assembly from the water tank.
3. Remove the valve assembly and, using a
8. Remove the air pressure source
probe light or flashlight, examine the interior of the tank
and the seals from the ports.
for signs of internal corrosion.
9. Dry the valve assembly thoroughly.
4. Install a high pressure adapter, in place of
10. Reassemble
the valve assembly, in the pressure tank.
5. Subject the pressure tank to the pressure
(4) M9 gun assembly, leakage and functional check.
for the time specified.
(a) Requirements.
6. Release the pressure and, if the pressure
1. No valve (gun) leakage is allowed.
tank is serviceable, carefully dry the pressure tank and
reinstall it on the disperser. Dispose of unserviceable
tanks in accordance with applicable directives.