SB 740-94-8
should be smooth ad capable of stopping the air flow on
14. Shut off the high pressure supply
from the rest of the unit for those items selected for the
six hour check. Let the sample stand for a minimum of
18. Bleed the agent tanks by opening
six hours.
the shut-off valve mounted on the safety valve adapter.
15. Inspect for leaks by applying a soap
19. Remove the filler cap assembly and
solution to the high pressure valve and to the tank
the test gage assembly.
assemblies at least once an hour during the six hour test
20. Reassemble
all items.
serviceable disperser assemblies or return them to
16. Open the pressure tank valve.
17. Operate the gun in short bursts until
the air supply is exhausted, allowing at least 15 seconds
between bursts. During testing the trigger movement