Data Plates .................................................................................................. 23
Electric Motors ............................................................................................. 24
Electrical System ......................................................................................... 25
Exhaust System ............................................................................................ 26
Fuel Tanks (Vehicular) ................................................................................. 27
Glass ........................................................................................................... 28
Hatch ............................................................................................................ 29
Hourmeter, Speedometer, Tachometer ......................................................... 30
Marine Drive ................................................................................................. 31
Modification Work Order (MWO's) ............................................................... 32
Painting Standards ....................................................................................... 33
Frame and Towing Attachments ................................................................... 34
Pneumatic Ponton Floats .............................................................................. 35
Propeller (Amphibious) ................................................................................. 36
Radio Interference Suppression .................................................................... 37
Ramp (Amphibious) ..................................................................................... 38
Seals and Gaskets ....................................................................................... 39
Sheetmetal Requirements ............................................................................ 40
Tires and Tubes (Pneumatic) ....................................................................... 41
Tires, Solid Rubber ...................................................................................... 42
REFERENCES ................................................................................................
c. Wear limits, fits and tolerances for mechanical
1. Purpose. a. This bulletin provides specific standards
assemblies and subassemblies are not contained in this
for non-mechanical items, applicable to U.S. Army
bulletin. Mechanical assemblies and subassemblies will
Mobility Equipment Command (USAMECOM) managed
be overhauled in accordance with the standards provided
end items, overhauled or repaired at depot maintenance
in the applicable DMWR's, DATM's/or directive from
activities or contract repair facilities.
b. The standards cited herein are developed as level
d. Request for deviations from this bulletin with
of acceptance of materiel released from depot Director of
Maintenance to acceptance by the depot Director of
Commanding General, U.S. Army Mobility Equipment
Product Assurance.
Command, ATTN: AMSME-M, 4300 Goodfellow
c. These standards cite a measure of condition for
Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63120.
attaining the required level -of serviceability and reliability
3. General. No standard ever written can possibly cover
of materiel without causing the performance of
all contingencies and eliminate the application of
unnecessary maintenance operations.
experience and common sense. Heavy reliance on sound
2. Scope. a. Standards contained herein apply to all
judgement and the experience of the inspector,
USAMECOM managed major end items overhauled or
journeyman, mechanic and the shop supervisor is a must
repaired at Army Materiel Command (AMC) depot
if this or any other program is to succeed. There must be
maintenance activities or contract repair facilities except
for those items where standards are established in a
Maintenance personnel at all levels.
published USAMECOM Depot Maintenance Work
Requirement (DMWR) or in lieu of a DMWR the
applicable Department of the Army Technical Manual
Improvements. The reporting of errors, omissions and
(DATM). If there is any conflict between DMWR's or
recommendations for improving this publication by the
DATM's, and this TB, the standards of this TB will govern.
individual user is encouraged.
Reports should be
Provisions of this bulletin do not apply to
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to
equipment being overhauled/rebuilt for shipment to
Publications) and forwarded direct to Commanding
Military Assistance Program (MAP)/Modern Army Supply
General, U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Command,
System (MASS) recipients unless specifically prescribed
ATTN: AMSME-MP, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St.
by the MAP/MASS transaction for the materiel.
Louis, Missouri 63120.