NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
a. Mix CT-1 with five parts water (manufacturer
j. If residue is still present, soak or spray again in
recommended concentration)
accordance with steps h or i.
b. Heat CT-1 solution to approximately 130F
k. Blow off CT-2L in the spray washer (CTM4 or
(55C). Heating will accelerate the cleaning process.
CTM2). This step will decrease drying time and
conserve CT-2L.
c. Light Cleaning. Place component to be cleaned
in a basket or on a grate or stand (preferably stainless
steel) and submerge in CT-1 solution 1 inch above the
bottom of the container for approximately 5 minutes.
Compressed air for drying can create airborne
particles that may enter the eyes. Pressure
d. Heavy/Corrosion. Place component to be
shall not exceed 10 psi. Eye protection is
cleaned in a basket or on a grate or stand (preferably
stainless steel) and submerge in CT-1 solution 1 inch
above the bottom of the container for approximately 30
l. Dry using a heat lamp, hot air, or a drying oven.
2- C T - 1 / C T - 2 L
Once the component is submerged into the
cleaning agent, it should be checked for effect
on any markings after 1 to 3 minutes and
Ultrasonic cleaning may be harmful to soft
verified every 3 to 5 minutes thereafter.
tissue or skin. Do not place hands in tank when
unit is in operation.
e. When soil appears loose, remove component
from tank.
f. Soak or spray with deionized water to remove
Heated water will accelerate the cleaning
soil and CT-1.
g. If soil is not removed, lightly scrub and repeat
For initial operation and/or whenever the
steps c through g.
solution is changed, degassing is required.
MHz or higher.
CT-2L shall not to be heated or diluted with
water. When heated above flash point of 140F,
a. Initial/Changed Solution. Degas solution by
CT-2L will release vapors. Vapors when mixed
activating ultrasonics for 20 to 30 minutes prior to
with air and exposed to an ignition source can
commencing the cleaning process.
burn in an open environment or explode when
b. Mix CT-1 with five parts water (manufacturer
recommended concentration).
h. CT-2L Soak Method. Using a grate or stand
(preferably stainless steel) in the bottom of the CT-2L
c. Heat CT-1 solution to approximately 130F
container, soak component in the agent for 2 to 5
(55C). Heating will accelerate the cleaning process.
minutes. Water will drain to the bottom.
d. Light Cleaning. Place component to be cleaned
i. CT-2L Spray Method. Spray clean component
in a basket or on a grate or stand (preferably stainless
with CT-2L, paying particular attention to areas where
steel). Submerge component in an ultrasonic tank of
CT-1 solution 1 inch above the bottom of the container
for approximately 1 to 3 minutes.