NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
fluids. The component is precleaned and rinsed in a
models and requires 1 square meter of shop floor
Cleaning Booth (Booth, Cleaning, Water Base Solvent
space and a 110 or 220 volt source.
2- Although the information presented in this
2- The Aqueous Ultrasonic Cleaner uses a
procedure is based upon the evaluation of CHEM-
cleaning solution of water and Detergent, MIL-D-16791.
TECH International Inc. equipment and associated
One ounce (2 tablespoons) of detergent is mixed in
processes, the Track 8 procedures can be tailored to
one gallon of fresh water at 130F (54C).
other commercially available equipment and cleaning
2- The component is suspended in the
ultrasonic tank solution in a wire basket approximately
2- Cleaning Equipment. Refer to Volume IV
12 inches below the surface. Presoak for a period of 30
or V for the physical characteristics and facility
to 60 minutes, as appropriate.
requirements for the Track 8 cleaning line of equipment.
2- After the presoak cycle, the component is
2- Cleaning Agents.
cleaned in the same tank by ultrasonic mode at 20 kHz.
The selection of time cycle for ultrasonic mode depends
on the amount of contamination.
Some cleaning chemicals may be toxic and
2- The component is rinsed in a Cleaning
flammable. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Booth (Booth, Cleaning, Water Base Solvent Spray)
Avoid breathing vapors. Use with adequate
ventilation. Keep away from heat, sparks and
component is returned to presoak and the process is
flame. Avoid contact with strong oxidizing
repeated as required.
agents. Protection: neoprene gloves and
chemical goggles; faceshield and protective
2-4.10.7. Track No. 7.
clothing required when splashing is possible
or expected; half-mask respirator with organic
2- This track removes grease, oil, and
vapor cartridge required in poorly ventilated
operation is performed by the Solvent Ultrasonic
Cleaner. The ultrasonic tanks use cleaning solvent,
Unless designated otherwise by the cognizant
field activity or manufacturer, spent cleaning
materials shall be segregated and stored as
2- The component is placed in the ultrasonic
regulated waste for ultimate off-site disposition
solvent tank 6 inches above the bottom of the tank to
via licensed contractor.
complete the cleaning cycle.
2- CT-1 is a water-based multipurpose
2- The selection of time cycle for ultrasonic
cleaning detergent used to clean electromechanical
and electronic assemblies.
2- CT-2L is a single step cleaning agent or
2- If required, the component is cleaned and
supplemental treating agent following CT-1 cleaning.
rinsed in the Cleaning Booth (Booth, Cleaning, Water
CT-2L is a water displacement agent.
Base Solvent Spray).
2- Avionic Equipment. Caution shall be
2-4.10.8. Track No. 8.
exercised to ensure there will be no adverse effects on
avionic equipment performance as a result of the
2- The referenced cleaning equipment is
cleaning process.
representative for these procedures. Suitable
2- Cleaning Procedures.
representative cleaning line layout and typical space
requirements. A typical portable washer (CTM4)
2- Equipment Preparation. A thorough
inspection of the item to be cleaned is important to