NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
Table 2-4. Avionic Cleaning Materials (Cont.)
Intended Use
Isopropyl Alcohol,
General purpose cleaner and solvent
Apply a solution of one part
Isopropyl Alcohol, TT-I-735, is
for removal of salt residue and
deionized or distilled water and
highly flammable.
one part Isopropyl Alcohol,
avionic equipment. General cleaner
TT-I-735, to affected area with
All applications of Isopropyl
for internal chassis components.
Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46
Alcohol, TT-I-735, and water
Class 7, or Toothbrush.
may be air dried or dried by
portable air blower or ovens.
Apply a solution of one part
Solvent cleaner for solder flux
deionized or distilled water to
residue in all applications of
three parts Isopropyl Alcohol,
electronics, electrical equipment,
TT-I-735, and scrub the solder
and micro-miniature circuits.
joint and adjacent area with
Acid Brush, A-A-289 Style opt.,
or Toothbrush. Wipe Clean
with Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46
Class 7.
Cleaner for fingerprint removal on
Apply a solution of one part
deionized or distilled water and
one part Isopropyl Alcohol,
TT-I-735, to affected area with
Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46,
Class 7. Wipe clean.
Cleaner for bacteria and fungi attack
Apply Isopropyl Alcohol,
TT-I-735, to affected area with
Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46,
Class 7. Wipe clean and air
Apply Isopropyl Alcohol,
Cleaner for salt-water immersion and
TT-I-735 to affected area with
Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46 or
internal circuit components and
Acid Brush, A-A-289 style opt.,
laminated circuit boards.
or Toothbrush, as appropriate.
Cleaner for electrical contact
Apply a solution of one part
deionized or distilled water and
one part Isopropyl Alcohol,
TT-I-735, to affected area with
Acid Brush, A-A-289 style opt.,
or Pipe Cleaner. Wipe clean
and air dry.