NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
may be used in the solvent ultrasonic cleaner if used
at room temperature.
2- Coaxial connector gaskets and other
solution does not necessarily increase cleaning
neoprene rubber components are susceptible to
power. This can, in some cases, reduce
damage by solvents. Also, cleaning solvents can wick
cleaning effectiveness.
problems. Where solvent ultrasonic cleaning is desired,
e. Detergent, MIL-D-16791 (Volume IV or V,
equipment containing these devices can be cleaned
only if the coaxial connector can be sealed in a plastic
solution shall be mixed 1 ounce (2 tablespoons)
detergent to 1 gallon of water.
2- Sealed bearings, synchro and servo
2- Sealed bearings, synchro and servo
bearings, instrument bearings and similar devices with
bearings, instrument bearings, and similar devices
permanently lubricated bearings shall be treated as
with permanently lubricated bearings shall be treated
2- Sealed components (components other
2- S e a l e d components (other than
than hermetically sealed) shall be treated as specified
hermetically sealed) shall be treated as specified in
2- Solvent, Cleaning can be used as a solvent
2-5.2.5. Abrasive Tools. The following is a list of the
degreaser. The restrictions as specified in this
specific restrictions that apply to the use of abrasive
paragraph apply to solvent degreaser functions. The
solvent vapor rinse and solvent vapor drying functions
do not use the ultrasonic frequency function. Therefore,
2- Mono-Basic Sodium Phosphate, AWWA-
they may be used to rinse and dry PCBs.
2-5.2.4. Water Base Solvent Spray Booth. The
abrasive tools are easily trapped in miniature and
following is a list of the specific restrictions that apply
microminiature female edge connectors. When use of
to the use of Water Base Solvent Spray Booth
a Blast Cleaning Cabinet on internal chassis
components is necessary, the connectors shall be
2- The Water Base Solvent Spray Booth is
used to remove dirt, dust, salt spray deposits, and light
Ensure that the tape is removed following cleaning.
corrosion products. This is achieved by a detergent
and water spray system.
2- Delicate metal surfaces are susceptible to
damage if abrasive tools are not used with care. Only
a. The spray equipment provides an air pressure
experienced operators are authorized to use abrasive
powered spray of detergent solution through a hand-
tools on avionic equipment.
held gun, using either filtered or tap water. It also can
deliver a water rinse or drying jet of air through the gun.
2- Some miniature/microminiature PCBs
contain devices sensitive to electrostatic discharge
b. A turntable is included, allowing 360 degree
(ESD) that may be destroyed by the static charge
rotation of the avionic equipment being cleaned or
created by abrasive agents used in abrasive tools. In
no case is a Blast Cleaning Cabinet or Portable Mini-
Abrasive Unit (Volume IV or V, Chapter 4) authorized
c. The unit may be used as a "precleaner" prior to
for cleaning or corrosion removal of components where
placing the component in a detergent cleaning tank.
ESD devices are installed.
d. The unit also is used to rinse components after
the application of detergent cleaning, abrasive
following paragraphs provide information to ensure
corrosion removal, or hand cleaning operations.
the proper cleaning of avionic equipment.