NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
d. Do not store or use magnetic material near work
a. Control humidity within 40% to 60% range. Humid
air helps dissipate electrostatic charge.
e. Do not perform stretch or shrink-wrapping
operations within the ESD-controlled work area.
b. Ionized air helps to bleed off static charges.
f. Do not use waxes, polishes, or similar materials
on floormats or tabletops. They may deposit an
carpeting from avionics shop areas.
insulating layer of residue. This reduces or eliminates
the effectiveness of the floormat or tabletop. For the
d. Chairs and stools should have conductive
same reason, the use of topical antistatic spray is not
surfaces and should be grounded through a 250 kilohm
recommended on packaging materials.
to 1 megohm resistor to ground.
g. Sweep dust and dirt from the tabletop and
e. Trays, carriers, cushioning materials, and bags
floormats as often as needed to prevent any
should be made of conductive ESD protective material.
accumulation. Dirt will also insulate these surfaces
and make them ineffective.
f. Electrical equipment, tools, or soldering irons
that come in contact with ESD devices should be
h. Antistatic pouches should be used for technical
manuals, drawings, and work instructions rather than
be less than 20 ohms. Only ESD safe tools should be
plain plastic pouches.
i. Ensure all containers, tools, test equipment, and
g. Test equipment with exposed metal surfaces
fixtures are grounded before and/or during use by
should be grounded.
direct ground or by touching a grounded surface.
h. Personnel handling ESD devices should wear
j. Avoid friction producing activities near ESD
long sleeve ESD smocks or short sleeve shirts. Prohibit
devices. For example, removing smocks, wiping feet,
materials such as common plastic, rubber, or nylon.
sliding objects over surfaces.
i. Personnel grounding straps should have
k. Wear cotton smock or other antistatic clothing.
minimum resistance of 250 kilohms and maximum of 2
Damage to ESD items may occur if untrained personnel
m. Place ESD protective material on grounded
are allowed to handle ESD items when the items are
surface to remove any charge before opening package.
outside of an ESD protective package.
n. Remove ESD item from package only after
a. Protective apparel should be checked frequently,
grounding and place item on grounded surface.
especially after cleaning, by scanning personnel with
an electrostatic field meter to monitor for damaging
o. Use noncorrosive ESD protective conductive
ESD voltages.
foam or connect shorting clip, or bars to terminal of
ESD device.
b. Be sure to attach the wrist strap (mandatory) and
heel straps (if used) before handling any ESD items.
p. Perform periodic electrostatic checks to ensure
work station meets specification.
c. Avoid the presence of any nonantistatic or
insulative material near work areas. For example,
styrofoam cups, plastic or masking tape, wrapping or
barrier materials, or synthetic materials.
a. Ensure work area, equipment, and work strap
assembly are grounded.