NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
b. Dry the equipment in a heated compartment with
proper air circulation at a temperature of 100F (38C)
to 130F (54C) until dry.
Ensure that all electrical power is disconnected
from the aircraft and all systems in the aircraft
are deactivated and disarmed. Disconnect all
batteries. Voltages used may cause severe
shock or death on contact. Use caution and
Compound, Corrosion Preventative 3
avoid contact with energized components.
a. Electrically ground the aircraft.
c. (N) (A) For all avionic components and electrical
b. Turn off all electrical power and disarm aircraft,
connectors, apply by spraying Water-Displacing
including ejection seat. Disconnect all batteries.
Corrosion Preventive Compound, Ultra-Thin Film,
Avionics Grade, MIL-C-81309 Type III (Volume IV,
c. The emergency removal priority list shall be as
contained in Volume II of this manual (Navy and Army)
or TO 1-1-691 (Air Force). Inspect equipment to
d. (AF) For all avionic components and electrical
determine extent of damage. Remove contaminated
connectors, apply by spraying Water-Displacing
equipment as soon as possible.
Corrosion Preventive Compound, Ultra-Thin Film,
Avionics Grade, MIL-C-81309 Type III, or Water
d. Remove all covers, modules, and components
Displacing Lubricant and Corrosion Preventive
that are normally removed.
Compound, MIL-L-87177 Type I or II Grade B (Volume V,
e. Tilt the equipment back and forth to allow
accumulated water to drain off.
f. Examine the individual items thoroughly for
evidence of salt water, fire extinguishing agents, smoke,
or oil films.
equipment for damaged seals, smoke, heat, and fire
damage. Obtain maximum available engineering
g. Items that are contaminated shall be cleaned
assistance to determine extent of damage. Most avionic
equipment contains dissimilar metals and particular
possible. Some specific information on fire fighting
attention shall be given to dissimilar metal joints. If
contaminated avionic equipment can be immediately
inducted into the IMA for expeditious cleaning and
h. If the primary method cannot be followed, use
repair, then drying and preservation steps are not
one of the alternate methods specified in paragraph
necessary. However, if induction directly into the IMA
for early cleaning and repair is not possible, then proceed
with drying and preservation procedures as specified in
10-6.2. Removal and Cleaning of Identification/
Modification Plates. The following procedures are
water immersion, and fire extinguishing agents shall be
applicable for cleaning identification and modification
cleaned as follows: