TM 10-1670-300-20&P
TO 14D1-2-469-2
NAVAIR 13-1-42
Table 2-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
Not Fully Mission Capable If:
Item No
Item to
FF-2 Release
Ensure six front and one rear
Six front and one rear case
case half screws (1) are present. half screws (1) are not
Ensure sealant (2) is present on
present. Sealant (2) is not
Front and Rear
bottom center case screw on
present on bottom center case
Case Halves
front case half. Ensure
screw on front case half.
information data plate (3) is
Information data plate (3) is
present and secured with four
not present, not secured with
screws. Ensure information data four screws. Information
plate (3) is not scratched or
data plate (3) is scratched or
damaged and all information is
damaged or information is
present. Millibar indicator
not present. Millibar
window (4) and frame (5) are
indicator window (4) and
secured with two screws.
frame (5) are not secured
Ensure window (4) is not
with two screws. Window (4)
scratched or broken. Millibar
is scratched or broken.
dial knob frame (6) is secured
Millibar dial knob frame (6)
with three screws and is not
is not secured with three
dented or damaged. On rear,
screws or is dented or
manufacturers plate (7) is not
damaged. Manufacturers
scratched or dented. Reset
plate (7) is scratched or
access port frame (8) is secured dented. Reset access port
with two screws. Ensure reset
frame (8) is not secured with
access port frame (8) Is not
two screws. Reset access port
dented, scratched or damaged.
frame (8) is dented, scratched
Reset access port plug screw (9) or damaged. Reset access
is present. Reset indicator
port plug screw (9) is not
window (10) and frame (11)
present. Reset indicator
secured with four screws,
window (10) and frame (11)
window (10) is not scratched,
not secured with four screws,
frame (11) is not dented or
window (10) is scratched,
damaged. Ensure case half
frame (11) Is dented or
protective coating is not
damaged. Case half
scratched or chipped.
protective coating is
scratched or chipped.
FF-2 Release
Ensure log record book (12) is
Log record book (12) is not
Log Record Book
present and inspect for entries
present or any log entries are
pertaining to initial and
subsequent altitude test.