TM 10-1670-300-20&P
TO 14D1-2-469-2
NAVAIR 13-1-42
Millibar knob should be installed on millibar dial before
assembling case halves.
(c) Record acceptable second time interval test results in Log Record Book (DA Form 3912) on the
"Organizational, Field, and Depot Repair and Inspection Data" page and DA Form 2404 or locally
approved form.
(d) Replace case halves
(9) Install all case screws so that they are flush with case halves
(10) Check to ensure that millibar setting is 570 m/b. Reset FF-2 Release and install
test arming pin
(11) Third Time Interval Test.
(a) Perform a third time interval test.
(b) The third time test must be within acceptable tolerance, but does not necessarily need to be the same
value as that of the second time test
(c) If the third time check is not within acceptable tolerance, repeat procedures in step (8) above.
(d) Record acceptable third time interval test results m Log Record Book (DA Form 3912) on the
"Organizational, Field, and Depot Repair and Inspection Data" page and DA Form 2404 or locally
approved form.
c. Operating Height Test Perform operating height test as follows:
(1) Prepare for operating height test.
(a) Inspect and test automatic ripcord release test set to ensure that it meets serviceability criteria.
(b) Reset FF-2 Release m accordance with RESET function above