TM 10-1670-300-20&P
TO 14D1-2-469-2
NAVAIR 13-1-42
(d) Close chamber and evacuate to an altitude above FF-2 Release arming pin withdrawal altitude that
corresponds to millibar setting. Withdraw test arming pin prior to descending to prescribed withdrawal
altitude. (Allow chamber to stabilize).
(e) Reduce chamber altitude at a rate slow enough to be able to note altitude reading on master
altimeter when delay mechanism becomes activated. If available, a stethoscope may be placed against
frame of altitude chamber to facilitate listening.
(f) The altitude at which release time delay mechanism began to function must be within tolerance listed
in column 4, Table 2-4 that corresponds to previously established millibar setting and arming pin
withdrawal altitude. If release time delay does not operate within the prescribed tolerances in Table 2-4,
the release is considered unserviceable and will be removed from service.
(3) Record the results of the operating height test and remove FF-2 Release from the test set. On the
"Inspection" page of DA Form 3912, enter the date of test, altitude; millibar dial setting made on the FF-2
Release; altitude at which the time delay mechanism started; signature of the inspector testing the FF-2
Release, and unit at which FF-2 Release was tested. Record results on DA Form 2404 or locally approved
form as well