TM 10-1670-300-20&P
TO 14D1-2-469-2
NAVAIR 13-1-42
(c) Install test arming pin (1).
(d) Load FF-2 Release using plunger loading tool (2).
(e) Set FF-2 Release millibar setting (3) to desired setting (see Table 2-4).
(2) Perform operating height test.
(a) Set automatic ripcord release test set master altimeter [l) to ze.92 inches of mercury (standard
barometric pressure at sea level)
(b) Install FF-2 Release (2) in adaptor plate stowage pocket (3). Ensure that frangible cap (4) is installed
and that it has been secured with cover retaining strap equipped with hook fastener.
(c) Install FF-2 Release (2) m test set by attaching adaptor plate (3) to center attachment plate with
locking bars on center plate. Attach test arming pin (5) to arming withdrawal rod (6).
Position shield over glass bell jar prior to operating
test set Failure to do so may result in serious injury
to personnel.
Premature withdrawal of test arming pin prior to
reaching 2500 feet of altitude above desired altitude
setting will result in an inaccurate time delay and
opening altitude.
After calculating FF-2 Release opening altitude,
minimum arming altitude (opening altitude plus
2500 feet) should be ascertained. It is imperative
that all concerned parachutists and aircrew
members be aware of minimum arming altitude.