TM 10-3510-208-12
(1) Remove any blocking and tiedowns that
5310 -00-045-1029, be installed on each
secure the laundry unit to the flatcar or carrier.
basic mounting bolt, nut, and lockwaaher.
(2) The laundry unit may be towed from the
After installation, a periodic inspection
flatcar or carrier by use of a suitable ramp and
during travel will be made to insure that
towing vehicle provided the required depreser-
the mounting hardware remains secure.
vation and services have been performed.
Torque tiedown mounting bolts to 170 ft-
lbs (23.51 kg).
b. Lifting Device.
Prior to all towing operations of the
(1) Remove any blocking and tiedowns that
laundry unit, in order to prevent damaged
secure the laundry unit to the flatcar or carrier.
(2) Attach the cables of a suitable lifting
or broken mercury bulbs utilized with the
dryer tumbler air temperature control, it is
device to the lifting eyes of the trailer and lift the
laundry unit from the carrier.
essential that the following protective
measures be taken.
(1) Remove the dial face cover from the
Do not use a lifting device with a capacity
of leas than 10,000 pounds (4500 kg). Do
soft sponge rubber or packing paper into
not allow the unit to swing back and forth
the mercury bulb housing of the control.
while suspended. Failure to observe this
Reinstall the dial face cover.
warning may result in serious injury or
(2) Upon completion of the towing
death to personnel.
c. Unpacking the Equipment.
from the mercury bulb housing and
(1) Remove all paper, tape, and other packing
reinstall the cover
matariel from the equipment.
(2) Use cleaning solvent and remove the
If unit is to be shut down for 5 days or longer, drain
compound sprayed over the metal surfaces. This
fuel from fuel pumps and fill pumps with OE. Turn
compound is not a lubricant; be sure it is removed
pumps several revolutions to thoroughly lubricate
from all wearing surfaces.
internal parts.
g. Lubricate the unit as specified in the
lubrication order.
reinstall the equipment using procedures listed
therein after unloading and unpacking has been
4-4 Reinstallation after Movement
a. Ramp Unloading.
4-7. Maintenance Repair Parts
4-5. Tools and Equipment
Repair parts and equipment are listed and
Tools, equipment, and repair parts issued with
illustrated in the repair parts and special tools list
or authorized for the Eidal Model ELT9T and Edro
covering organizational maintenance for this
Model EP120-LTU, laundry unit(s) are listed in
equipment, TM 10-3510-208-20P.
TM 1O-351O-2O8-2OP.
4-6. Special Tools and Equipment
No special tools or equipment are required for
the laundry units.
All faults will be recorded together with corrective
4-8. General
action taken on DA Form 2404 at the earliest
To insure that the Eidal Model ELT9T and Edro
possible opportunity.
Model EP120-LTU laundry unit(s) are ready for
operation at all times, they must be inspected
4-9. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
systematically so that faults may be discovered
This paragraph contains a tabulated listing of
and corrected before they result in serious damage
preventive maintenance services which must be
or failure. The necessary preventive maintenance
performed quarterly by organizational maintenance