TM 10-3510-208-34
c. Cleaning.
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
fumes and prolonged exposure of
skin to cleaning solvent. Wash
cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-
680) used to clean parts is potentially
property. Do not use near open
flame or excessive heat. Flash point
of solvent is 100 to 138F. (38 to
Clean all metal parts of the jackshaft assembly
(except blocks) using cleaning solvent, Fed. Spec. P-
D-680, and dry thoroughly. Clean blocks with fuel oil.
d. Inspection.
(1) Inspect the grease lines for cracks,
nicks, holes and other leak causing conditions.
(2) Inspect all hardware for thread damage,
(3) Inspect the jackshaft, blocks. hill. and pulleys
for cracks, burrs, nicks and other damage.
e. Repair.
(1) Weld any cracks and file down and burrs
on the blocks, pulleys or hubs.
(2) Replace a damaged jackshaft or grease
(3) Replace all missing or damaged
f. Assembly.
(1) Jackshaft No. 2, Extractor Motor
(Edro Model EP120-LTU).
(a) Install pillow blocks (25 and 24.
fig 717) on jackshaft (26).
(b) Install bushing 123J. adapter
122). and lubrication line (21).
(c) Install bushing (20), adapter (191
and elbow (18). Install lubrication line (17).
(d) Install hub (16) and secure it with
washers (15) and screws (14).
(e) Install pulley (13).
(f) Install hub (12) and secure it with
washers (11) and screws (10).
(g) Install pulleys (7 and 9) and hub
(8); secure with washers (6) and bolts (5).
(h) Install belt (4).
(i) Install belt guard (3).
(j) Install lockplate (2) and secure with
screws (1).
(2) Jackshaft No. 1, Washer Drive (Edro
Model EP120-LTU).
(a) Install pillow blocks (19 and 18,
fig. 716) on jackshaft (20).
(b) Install hub (171; secure with
washers (16) and bolts (15). Install pulley (14).
(c) Install hub (13: and secure with
washers (12) and screws (11).
(d) Install pulley (10).
(e) Install belt guard (9) and belt (8).
(f) Install adapter (7), bushing (6), and
lubrication line (5).
(g) Install bushing (4) adapter (3),
elbow (2) and lubrication line (1).
(3) Jackshaft, Washer Drive (Eidal Model
(a) Install pillow blocks (21 and 20,
fig. 716) on the jackshaft (22).
(b) Install hub (19). Install mounting
washers (18) and bolts,,(17). Install pulley (16).
(c) Install hub (15) and secure it with
washers (14) and screws (13).
(d) Install pulley (12).
(e) Install grease block (11) and fitting
(10) on belt guard (9); install guard.
(f) Install belt (8).
(g) Install bushing (7), adapter (6) and
lubrication line (5,.
(h) Install bushing (4), adapter (3),
elbow (2) and lubrication line (1).
(4) Drive Belt Adjustment.
Refer to TM 10-3510-208-12 and
adjust drive belts.
7-11. Washer Motor Air Cylinder
a. Removal. Refer to figure 7-18 and remove
the air cylinder.