TM 10--3510--221--100014 00--2LAUNDRY ADVANCED SYSTEMINTRODUCTION TO TROUBLESHOOTING -- Continued0014 00EXAMINING SYSTEM STATUS -- CONTINUED4. Press appropriate MENU SELECTION switch as follows:a. Select ANALOG INPUTS to monitor status of analog inputs (Refer to Table 1). Proceed to step 5.b. Select DISCRETE INPUTS to monitor status of discrete inputs (Refer to Table 2). Proceed to step 5.c. Select RETURN to exit examine inputs menu.5. Monitor display (6), it should read:PREVIOUS INPUTANALOG INPUTSNEXT INPUTRETURNLT100A=1.50 VDC= 0 GALSorPREVIOUS INPUTDISCRETE INPUTSNEXT INPUTRETURNZS100A = ON6. Press appropriate MENU SELECTION switch as follows:a. Select PREVIOUS INPUT to monitor previous input.b. Select NEXT INPUT to monitor next input.c. Select RETURN to exit analog or discrete inputs menu and return to step 4.TABLE 1. Analog Inputs Data.SENSORFUNCTIONRANGELT100AWash Tank A Level0--75 GALSLT100BWash Tank B Level0--75 GALSLT101ARinse 1 Tank A Level0--75 GALSLT101BRinse 1 Tank B Level0--75 GALSLT102Rinse 2 Tank Level0--160 GALSLT200Still Level0--14 INCHESLT201Standpipe Level0--25 INCHESPT200Still Internal PressureVAC -- 15PSIAPT300Thermal Fluid Pump Inlet PressureVAC -- 15PSIAPT301Thermal Fluid Pump Outlet Pressure0--100 PSIGPT302Heater Thermal Fluid Outlet Pressure0--100 PSIGPT500Air Tank Storage Pressure0--200 PSIG
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