TM 10--3510--221--10
0009 00--1
0009 00
Maintenance Level
Personnel Required
Tools and Special Tools
Tool Kit Assembly, Operator (Item 24, Table 1, WP 0043 00)
LADS is normally shipped assembled on an M871 semi--trailer along with an MEP--805A TQG. Siting and sheltering
requirements are provided for guidance when emplacing LADS. The assembly and preparation for use paragraph
provides procedures for the steps to be taken once the LADS is emplaced and disconnected from the prime mover.
The initial adjustments before use paragraph contains instructions to ensure LADS is ready to conduct laundry
operations. The operating paragraph provides procedures for daily start--up, laundry loading, selecting laundry
cycles, performing laundry cycles, unloading laundry, system shutdown. The ready-for-movement paragraph contains
procedures to prepare LADS for transport to next operational site or to storage.
1. Terrain -- LADS must be operated on firm level ground with 5 percent slope or less. LADS may be oriented in any
direction, however, positioning LADS so that left side is slightly lower than the right side will allow for easier draining of
water prior to movement. The landing legs on the front of the M871 trailer can be used adjust the level if necessary.
2. Drainage -- LADS contains a100 ft of drain hose. It is recommended that the drain hose outlet be placed downhill,
and far enough away from LADS, to prevent drain water from becoming a nuisance while conducting laundry and
maintenance operations.
3. Fuel Supply -- LADS requires up to 250 gallons of JP--8 fuel per day. Additional fuel may also be required for the
LADS external power source. LADS is provided with a 70 ft fuel hose. It is recommended that the fuel supply be
setup approximately 50 ft from LADS with fuel supply at a slightly higher elevation. This will ensure fuel hoses remain
full of fuel when LADS is not operating. The fuel hose should be routed in a manner that will prevent equipment traffic
from continually running over or stopping on hoses.
4. Water Supply -- LADS requires up to 540 gallons of potable water per day. LADS is provided with a100 ft of water
supply hose and a 100 ft electrical cable for the water supply pump. The water supply can be setup anywhere within
100 ft, however, it should not be set up so close to LADS that equipment such as forklifts, cranes, etc.. cannot be
moved around LADS to facilitate maintenance.
5. Electrical Power -- Normally LADS will be powered by the MEP--805A Tactical Quiet Generator Set contained on
the same M871 semi--trailer as the LADS. If other 208 VAC, 50--60 Hz, 3--Phase electrical power is utilized 100 ft of
electrical cable is provided. The external power source can be setup anywhere within 100 ft, however, it should not be
set up so close to LADS that equipment such as forklifts, cranes, etc. cannot be moved around LADS to facilitate
maintenance. It is also recommended that the electrical cable between the power source and LADS be routed in a
manner that will prevent equipment traffic from continually running over or stopping on a cable.