TM 10--3510--221--24
0093 00--2
0093 00
8. Check for excess or uneven distribution of laundry in drum.
Is laundry load to heavy of not properly distributed?
YES Remove excess laundry or manually redistribute as necessary.
NO Go to step 9.
9. Check for blockage in water plumbing between drum outlet and water pump.
Is blockage found?
YES Remove blockage as necessary.
NO Go to step 10.
10. Use maintenance menu to apply and release brake.
Does brake release properly?
YES Go to step 13.
NO Go to step 11.
11. Disconnect air tube from brake intensifier.
Does brake release properly?
YES Go to step 12.
NO Inspect brake rotor and brake caliper. Repair as necessary.
12. Check LED on solenoid valve SV113.
Is LED on?
YES Reconnect tube to brake intensifier. Go to TYPICAL DC OUTPUT SIGNAL FAULT
(WP 0106 00) to determine why solenoid valve SV113 is energized.
NO Replace solenoid valve SV113 (WP 0209 00).
13. Position SW2 then SW1 to OFF.
14. Rotate drum by hand and check for smooth rotation of drum.
Does drum rotate smoothly?
YES Go to step 17.
NO Go to step 15.
15. Remove drive belt from drum drive motor (WP 0117 00).
16. Rotate drum and drive motor by hand and check for smooth rotation.
Does drum rotate smoothly?
YES Replace drum drive motor (WP 0257 00).
NO Replace front bearing (WP 0259 00) or rear bearing (WP 0258 00).
17. Check wire connections between drum inverter and drum drive motor for short circuit.
Are wire connections OK?
YES Go to step 18.
NO Repair as necessary.