TM 10-3510-223-13&P
0006 00
0006 00-4
Leave external power cables connected to CSSL. Turn OFF all circuit breakers in power distribution panel
#2. Leave circuit breakers 1, 9, 10, 29, and 33, in power distribution panel #1 ON. Turn circuit breakers 2,
15, 16, 19, 22, 23, and 28 in power distribution panel #1 OFF. Turn space heater control knob until heater
comes on. Close rear, personnel, and curbside doors.
Operation in snowy or muddy conditions. Ensure TEMPER Section and CSSL are placed on firm
foundations. Keep the front and curbside double service doors closed to protect the equipment. Also see
operation in extreme cold conditions, above.
Operation in dusty or sandy conditions. Clean dryer lint filters more frequently. Keep the rear and
curbside double service doors closed to protect the equipment.
Operation in rainy and/or humid conditions. Keep the rear and curbside double service doors closed
to protect the equipment.
Operation in high altitude conditions. CSSL should not be operated above 7000 feet (2114 meters)
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Decontamination. Perform interim decontamination
procedures in accordance with FM 3-5.